Thursday, July 22, 2010

Academy of Art University Update

Thinking about attending the Academy of Art university? Well it's not a bad idea. AAU shows at New York fashion week and is becoming a major name in the fashion world. However, with all these details aside and after spending a summer here, i'm not sure exactly if it's the place for America's next big designer. The Pre-college program is not taken seriously. They expect us to know nothing, which, honestly, some students need, but serious students aren't getting the challenge we've paied for. By no means is this the absolute truth, it's only my opinion, but I wish the program was a bit tougher.

On the bright side, the facilities are great and transport is wonderful. They have buses all over the city for us to take so MUNI money can be spent on other things. Below is a photo of my Fashion Merchandising classroom. The classrooms are generally big and airy and stocked with supplies. All the hallways are painted and it's quite visually appealing. Perfect for an artist.

Basically, AAU is a great place for those who aren't sure exactly what they want. I can't speak for the actual college classes yet, but for the pre-college program, come if you have some decision making to do.


P.S. (BOF is having some awesome interviews with amazing people. This website never ceases to amaze.)