Wearing Mercura sunglasses, peace sign Philip Lim shirt, Pierre Balmain vintage blazer, Karl Lagerfeld Chinchilla helmet and, of course cheese wiz. Classy.
Love Bailey?
I know we do. Brett Bailey, a high-fashion sylist who's styled photoshoots for everyone from Rachel Bilson to Shaun Ross (the first albino male model) is like no one else we've met...which might explain why we were left awestruck after our interview with him this weekend. His unconventional ways seem to have gotten their start from his unconventinal catapult into the industry. As someone who started out as a primo ballerino whose troop was asked to be in a photoshoot for Vogue, he got a peek inside the industry that most of us can only dream about. All it took was a glimpse of Chanel hanging on the dressing racks and he was hooked for life.
After meeting him at fine dressmaking courses this summer, I recently got back in contact with him for a brief Q&A .
He simply can’t live without: Victor and Rolf....Gaultier, Givenchy and his favorite Vietnamise dish "Pho" from L.A resturaunt and hotspot, Absolutely Phobulous.
Favorite Flashback : Brett's a huge fan of the 70's: "The music, the art, Studio 54, Andy Warhol. It was a time of liberation.There are distinct moments from that era that have influenced so much of today." And, of course, he's fond of all the other wonderful things that have to do with the 70's that we can't write about. However his main inspiration is nothing more than the idea that everything must live up to the words "excessive pleasure".
Famous Last Words:: "Sexual"....nice.
Still not hooked? check out his latest collaberation with music video director Sergio Greko.

or take a look at the photoshoot he styled for Rachel Bilson.

or his work for Blend magazine

That about wraps up our newest fixation... to get yours heard over to www.lovebailey.com
Live well, Dress better